Published Latin Sources

In 1984, Dr. Christian Lübke compiled a register of primary source references relevant to the history of Slavs living between the Elbe and Oder from 900 to 1057 CE; in 2018, he made it available on-line.

The main compendium of published Latin sources in all genres from and about medieval Germany is the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH).  With the exception of those published in the last few years, all of the volumes in this collection have been digitized and are searchable with keywords.

Two older collections of charters, still valuable for those not issued by kings (available in newer editions from the MGH), are available for Saxony here; and for Saxon-Anhalt here.

Published sources relevant to Bohemia and Moravia have been digitized and collected here, including the Codex Diplomaticus for charters and the Fontes Rerum Bohemicarum for narrative texts, both historical and hagiographical.