Slavs and Germans on the Frontier

Vrat Ltrs

2. Wezilo of Mainz to Clement III

Letter 2. Archbishop Wezilo of Mainz to (Anti-)Pope Clement III To the venerable lord C. and truly the most holy bishop of the first see, [from] W., that which he is by God’s grace: the subjection owed as to the highest priest and solicitous devotion as to so great a father. He, the Most High Lord of gods, who arranged the ranks of his celestial army so that one might come before another and a lesser dignity wait upon a greater in obedience to their maker, in his church he so distinguished the heavens, the work of his fingers, so that, just as star differs from star in brightness, so one precedes another by virtue of the dignity of its excellence. Unity of love however reduces this diversity of ranks and offices as if to one harmony, so that, just as among the holy angels so also here, there might not be envy of unequal brightness. Since therefore, my reverend father, the One Most High established you at the very top of the prelacy so that in the place of the great Peter you might be the head of all ecclesiastical power, by right every lower order submits itself to you and by merit the joint union of the members obeys you as a head. Whence your excellence should know how, with what intimate affection, we look upon your most holy apostolate and special reverence. And that the authority of your holiness might remain steady with safe tranquility among the storms of the world, we offer constant supplication and daily prayer to God. The king of the Poles indicated to us that we should speak thus, saving your reverence. Nay rather he humbly implores with familiar devotion, because he might have offended the clemency of your serenity more by the simplicity alone of [his] title than by a sense of any impoliteness. And because he would hope that the earnestness of our humility will benefit him with special regard with respect to you and be useful, with desire he desires1 us to put forth a worthy excuse of satisfaction on his behalf. And so concerning this same man, your humble petitioner, our little son, we suggest to your paternity that whatever was done in this matter was determined by the command of your son the lord emperor and with the consent and affirmation of the whole kingdom. Not without merit. For who [else] in this present tribulation has set himself in opposition so often and in such perils for the sake of imperial security, for the elevation of the kingdom, and for the singular reverence and stability of your apostolic see? Every order, every dignity, every religion finally would have been worn down by the feet of enemies had not his faithful and confident steadfastness in all things and before all others manfully stood firm. Holy father, think about this, give it your attention, and in this all judgments are in harmony, because if more were needed he would be most worthy of greater honor and grace. Therefore let not our lord speak against his servant more harshly or roughly2 because he is useful to God and the church as well as to the lord emperor and your excellence. We therefore appeal to your benevolence, that you commit the business of this matter to our diligence, because—behold!—you will hold him to be useful before God and obedient to you and your church in every good intention of yours. He who preceded you in the blessing of sweetness, may he put a crown of eternal beatitude upon you.3