The Deeds of Wiprecht
In the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity, Albuin, by the grace of God bishop of Merseburg. Let it be known to all the faithful both future and present, how, because of the lord Wiprecht and Abbot Windolf's intervention and for the remedy of my soul, we handed over to the monastery of Pegau, established in honour of Saint James, and to its spiritual head, Windolf, the tithes of the villages, the names of which are written below, and of others, if they are yet to be established around these places: Časlavsdorf, Ottendorf, Čadorf, Münchroth, Lausick, Suoerdorf, Sulansdorf, Bělansdorf, Milansdorf, Drogisdorf, Čazindorf, Vladsdorf, Vizecká, Eberhardsdorf, Moisdorf, Sečevice, Kosovo. These are situated in the burgward of Groitzsch, in the county of Margrave Udo, between the rivers Wyhra and Schnauder. Done in the year 1105, in the twelfth indiction, on the ninth Kalends of October [23 September], in the ninth year of his ordination [as bishop], with the canons of that church consenting: vidame Hubert, dean Dietold, Walter the master of students, and the laymen Ludiger, Henry and Giselbert and very many other clerics and laymen. I, Albuin, signed with my own hand. The land is filled with the mercy of the Lord. However, if anyone, with the devil’s urging, should be an impious violator of this act, let him know that he will be damned forever by the chain of anathema.
Bishop Paschal [II], servant of the servants of God, to the faithful throughout Saxony, greetings and apostolic blessing. A desire that is known to pertain to pious intention and the salvation of souls, with God as its author, must be fulfilled without any delay. Accordingly Wiprecht, illustrious count of the Saxon people, built for his and his men’s salvation a monastery in the diocese of Merseburg, in a place on his own property called Pegau. With the admirable miles Luvo sent in his place, he offered this monastery upon the altar of the blessed Peter and transferred it in perpetuity into the right of the apostolic see. The lord Wiprecht nevertheless made an exception of the advocacy, which he was prepared to hold himself. After him either the first born of his posterity, if indeed he should want to preside over the church justly and beneficially, should be advocate; or if, however, his posterity should fail—may God avert it!—the abbot of that place, with the sounder advice of his brothers, should choose an advocate—whomever he will want—advantageous to him and to the church. Therefore, following up his laudable desire, we sanction by the authority of the present decree the following: both the aforesaid place and everything pertaining to it shall always remain secure and undiminished under the protection of the apostolic see, to the profit of God’s servants residing there in every kind of use. Nevertheless, we also sanction that an annual payment of one gold piece shall be paid to the Lateran palace. No man is at all permitted rashly to disturb that place, or to take away or diminish its possessions, or to appropriate them for his own uses, even for seemingly pious reasons. Truly, we have decreed that burial in that place shall be entirely free, such that no one may stand in the way of those who have resolved to be buried there as an act of devotion and a final wish—unless by chance they might be excommunicates. The brothers of that place ought to receive chrism, holy oil, the consecrations of altars and basilicas, and the ordinations of monks who are to be promoted to holy orders, from the bishop in whose diocese they are—if he should have the grace and communion of the apostolic see, and if he should wish to furnish these things freely and without impropriety. Otherwise, they should receive the sacraments of consecration from whatever catholic bishop they might choose. Furthermore, no one may be put in charge as abbot there through any secret stratagem or violence, except the man the brothers by common counsel—or a part of the brothers of sounder counsel—elect, according to the Rule of Saint Benedict and the fear of God. But if anyone—and let this not be!—should want to go against this decree of ours meant to be enduring in perpetuity, let him be struck with anathema, and let him suffer the ruin of his honour and his office, unless he corrects his presumption with suitable penance. For those observing these things, on the other hand, may peace and mercy be preserved eternally by God. Amen. BY THE WORD OF THE LORD THE HEAVENS WERE MADE.